Monday, May 24, 2010

Revolution newspaper new articles on oil-spill, wetlands & ecosystem facing disaster

Here are our new articles, just posted up on

Ecosystem Facing Disaster, A System Not Fit to Be Caretaker of the Earth

When you stick your finger into one of the orange-brown or black, asphalt-smelling globs of oil now washing into the wetlands where the Mississippi Delta meets the Gulf of Mexico, it just gloms on and sticks. It's hard to get off. You see it stuck to the stalks of the roso-cane reeds, which hold the wetlands in place. Then you start thinking about what happens when a fish, a bird, or some other creature gets caught in this toxic stew. And you think about how these pools are only the first, small waves of oil from the exploded wellhead of British Petroleum's "Deepwater Horizon." And you just can't take it.

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